Saturday, August 18, 2007

Vintage look the rage during Fashion Week

Sometimes it's confusing to know when you are supposed to wear the clothes you see in newspapers, magazines and stores. That is because the media are now sharing the sneak previews that only fashion professionals used to be able to see eight months before you'll want to wear them.

In San Antonio, winter is here. But in stores, spring looks are already in full bloom.

But in New York, it's Fashion Week, and that means that it's already fall of '07. At last count, 221 designers are previewing their collections at the tents in Bryant Park and off-site at venues from art galleries to hotel lobbies, nightclubs to an ice-skating rink. Designers, of course, are vying for attention in hopes you'll remember their names when you finally get around to shopping for your fall wardrobe months from now.

1 comment:

Phil said...

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