Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A new way of selling the old

Antiques are big business - and there is no antiques business bigger than Tomlinsons. which has become a shrine for connoisseurs the world over. RON GODFREY, business editor, visits the North Yorkshire honey pot for home makers and aficionados alike.
IF TOMLINSONS' 75,000 sq ft warehouse is a North Yorkshire cathedral dedicated to the thrilling thingamajigs of history, then Sarah Worrall is its high priestess.
You only have to hear her intoning her litany of love for a madly beautiful (or is it beautifully mad? ) George III tilt-top breakfast table with crossbanded edge on a pedestal and four reeded supports on brass hairy paw casters to know that she speaks the language of antiques fluently and with passion.
Such is her reverie within that mighty rectangle set against the rural sky outside Tockwith, that it is almost as though the £2,495 plus VAT price tag is an afterthought.


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